What we do !!
We at “School For All” have been building technology enablers to synergize three major stake holders viz: School Management, Teachers, Students and their families. We provide a universal platform to schools and colleges in stream lining their operations and provide enhance personalized learning simulations.
In nutshell, we offer:
Pencil Project
Collaborations with Foreign Universities.
End to End Educational Consulting for Group of Institutes.
Finishing School.
Reward and Recognition.
Survey and Syndicated Reports.
Career and Branding events.
White Paper of Our Performance.
Pencil Project
Services Exclusively Offered to High aspiring school Directors/Principals/Knowledge Head:
Approaches taken :
Hot / Immediate Job Openings (National / International) exclusive for :Principals / Directors / Knowledge HEADS / HOD's /Teachers /Support Staff (Head Hunting)
Extending Consulting Support through ODC (Offshore Delivery Centre):
Arranging / Proving Funds
Trust / Society Registration
Site selecting and land lisening
Procurement of NOC : State / Central
Affiliation : CBSE / ICSE / IGCSE / IB / Cambridge Affiliations
Promotion / Branding PAN India
Audit : Quality / ISO / Safety / Income Tax / Energy
Vendor Management : Stationary, Uniform, Sport / Lab equipment, CCTV Security
School ERP / HRMS / MIS / Payroll
Manpower Planning
International conference / seminars : Central Asia, APAC, Europe
Student Exchange Program
Students Travel Trips
Road map to championship:
When and How quick you start matters.
Learning with experts.
Regular Campus or Off Campus placements?
Skip the hierarchy, meet the decision makers and make the impact.
Skip past the life of Survival.
Kick start your career from Onsite location.
Define your own Hierarchies.
Work as you own the business rather than becoming a part of the Algorithm.
Today focus is on your deliverable.
Collaborations with
Foreign Universities
Research Collaborations
Joint / Dual Degree Programs
Certificate Programs
Twinning / Transfer Programs
Distance Education Programs
Vocational Education Programs
Faculty Exchange Programs
Student Exchange Programs
Partnership Programs
Study Abroad in India Programs
Collaboration Methodology
International Invitees
Education Consulting
What we do in SchoolForAll : Educational Consulting
At the International Center for SchoolForAll, we have pioneered in helping School Management / Owners to re-invent their existing schools into Future Nation Ready Schools. Our Expert team of season educationist and academicians will stream line the process of global partnerships and alliances with other emerging schools.
We will make sense to your business by helping you decode the inanimate data into your future value added services to your Stakeholders.
Finishing School
Our Finishing School Concept has been designed to take:
1. For School Students
Career guidance with subjective and objective score card.
Personality Development Program.
Psychometric evaluation.
Mentoring and Mentee program.
Industrial and institutional excursions / field trips (National / International).
Parenting necessities.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Life Skill Coaching.
2. For College Grads: Paid Internship / Campus Placements to the next level:
Campus Solutions Consulting (Enhancing the capability and scalability of Campus Hiring)
Consulting on Hiring Budgets.
Landscaping your Talent with Industry.
On Remuneration and student choices/preferences/options.
Talent Branding / Employers Branding.
Talent Process Management (CV making to Final Offer letter and Induction)
Finishing School Concept.
Rapport building with Industry Bigwigs.
Taking a Mentor.
Classroom Presentation, GD, Panel Discussions to Corporate presentations.
Making TNA (Training Need Analysis) for underperforming students.
Executing together Campus Recruitment Calendar.
Talent Evaluations.
Aptitude and Technical Test based on their Specializations.
Compilation of Scores and setting benchmark.
Discussion and methodical feedback on performance.
3. For Corporate Houses:
Center for Coaching Certification.
Torch LMS (Learning Management System).
Paradigm Learning.
Idea Learning.
L&SA - Leadership & Sales Academy.
We have expertised in providing thought provoking and game changing live, researched, legitimate white paper reports duly documented and endorsed by us empowering you to take not convenient but right decisions.
Our exclusive services include:
Syndicate Research Reports
Advisory and Consulting.
Research Process Outsourcing.
Content Management.
Career and Branding
SchoolForAll is the only enterprise in the Asia that is profoundly synchronizing Educational brand, Personal brand, Leadership Training, Marketing, Sales, Image Makeover, Corporate Communication, Emotional Intelligence.
We catalyse individuals to create IMPACT while showcasing their Personal Brand. We ensure high degree of strong personal presence in how one positions him/herself in a given challenging circumstances.
Reward & Recognition
We provide platform to recognize individuals for their exemplary and outstanding contributions in their respective fields and unique achievements:
Best Educationist Award.
Best Teacher's Award.
Best Student's Award.
Best School Award.
Grad' College
Student of the Year.
Best College in University.
Best Innovative College.
Most Profound Professor.
White Paper of our Performance
Coming Soon !!!!